Spearing North Wales One Breath
I decided to take the time in creating promotional video for spearfishing, probably one of the most sustainable way of fishing. During the years I realized that most of the people attacking our sport do not know anything about it, very often they haven't even realized we hold our breath while hunting those fish!!!!! Many believe we dive down with tanks and wait for anything which will randomly swing in front of our gun. A sort of video game played in front of the couch. There is no video game in the sea, we are really in the water, the cold water, in the choppy and rough sea, at times in filthy water, in strong tidal currents, we swim all day, we hold our breath and fight against all sort natural elements to get that one fish. It is actually a very dangerous discipline and only real dedication will allow you to have the results as in this video. Therefore, it hurts to hear people saying it is easy and it is clearly because they have no clue so then why having an opinion on something you don't know?
Music Credit: IMovie